Antique Tea
Antique Tea is a deep look into all the gossip you've never heard about...because everyone is already dead. Part history - part dish, Erica Maity researches the hell out of historical figures you may or may not know about. She digs deep and pulls out all the skeletons in their closet. Including their own skeleton. Then she serves up tea to her bestie Jason Hays who doesn't know history from his elbow. He devours the hot goss and spins his modern take on all their bullshit. It's just two good friends throwing shade throughout history. So put on your fanciest gown, pull up a Queen Anne side chair, and pour yourself a hot cup of Antique Tea.
Antique Tea
Prohibition 9: Past is Prologue ft. Kieryn Darkwater
Season 3
Episode 11
In which Erica and Jason are joined by Kieryn Darkwater from the Kitchen Table Cult podcast to discuss Wayne Bidwell Wheeler, the rise of the Anti-Saloon League, and how the ASL's tactics were prologue to those used today by the Religious Right. Warning: this one gets really political.
*Erica's recording software picked up the wrong mic, again. We're working on it. We're really proud of this episode, so please bear with the tinny audio. This one's worth a listen.
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